Ludwig-Peter Kowalski, 1891–1967, painter, proponent of applied art, designed decorative windows and mosaics, taught at the Städtischen Handwerker- und Kunstgewerbeschule in Breslau from 1928–34.

A painter in the German expressionist tradition who had been a student of Hans Poelzig and Eduard Kaempffer at the Kunstakademie (Academy of Art) in Breslau, Ludwig-Peter Kowalski taught at the Preußische Akademie der Künste (Prussian Academy of Art) after having been dismissed from the Handwerker- und Kunstgewerbeschule (Arts and Crafts School) in Breslau. He was a director of the Schlesischen Künstlerbundes (Silesian Artists’ Association) from 1936-41 and took part in various exhibitions during the war. He lost most of his work when he fled Upper Silesia for Berlin in 1945. His many post-war commissions in churches and other public spaces dot the city still. His wife Paquita Kowalski-Tannert was a graphic designer, well-known for her book jackets.
Ludwig-Peter Kowalski taught a figure drawing class, which Ismar David attended, 6 hours a week from October 27, 1927 to March 31, 1928. Kowalski’s report on his student was
Performance: Sufficient
Effort: Very Good