Ernst Mechner, 1895–1956, Head of Berlin office of the Keren Kayemet Leisrael, film-maker, map planner, graphic designer, writer.

In 1932, Ernst Mechner headed the Berlin office of the Jewish National Fund. As part of the leadership involved in production of the Golden Book, he was instrumental in bringing Ismar David to Jerusalem.
Berlin, December 8, 1931
Concerning: Ismar David.
I’m informing you about a thorough conversation, that I had with the young artist. He is only 21 years old and a rare type among West European Jews. He is by profession a craftsman, namely, a trained house painter and has only recently turned to decorative arts. Now he is mostly busy with the restoration of antique objects. His serious view of the importance of a solid craftsmanship as a basis for every artistic endeavor is especially impressive. It’s a concept that is still very rare among us Jews.
In a letter to you, Mr. David has offered to execute the design himself. He would only require that his travel and accommodation for 14 days be paid for. The front cover can be used in the present form, hence the rest will require only two weeks.
Mr. D. would, however, also be willing, to do the work here, which would have many advantages, because the procurement of the, in some places, very rare materials, is easier here and the hand tools are available. Over there, we would run into difficulties acquiring the materials.
I don’t know what you’ve decided about the execution of the design. But I think if £35 has already been paid, then we shouldn’t let the design remain unfinished. And surely, the artist himself , when he’s also a craftsman, can make the thing better than another [person], especially since it will probably be a hopeless effort to find someone there who has mastered this unusual technique.
Mr. David is not a Zionist. He has a positive Jewish attitude, but is completely immersed in his art. He could, if given the commission to execute the work, whether in Berlin or in Jerusalem (in which case naturally much more closely), form a long term association with us. If you arrange for him to come over there with the tourists who come for the Maccabia Games, the matter will be extraordinarily cheap, and I would recommend it to you.
With Zion’s Greeting,
Dr. Ernst Mechner
Keren Kajemeth Leisrael