About Eliezer Strich

Eliezer Strich, 1879−1941, painter, illustrator, teacher.

Bronze bas-relief by Eliezer Strich
Bronze bas-relief by Eliezer Strich, possibly a self-portrait. (Thank you to Ivantiques in Jerusalem for permission to photograph this work.)

Born in Latvia, Eliezer Strich studied art in Petrograd, St. Petersburg and Paris. In 1914, at the age of 35, he was invited to head the department of metalwork at the Bezalel Arts Academy in Jerusalem, where he remained until 1915. In 1918, following his service in the “Hebrew Battalion” against the British Mandate, he returned to teaching at Bezalel until 1921. In 1923, he moved to Haifa and taught painting at The Hebrew Reali School and the Technion.

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